Saturday 8 March 2014

TVC Project Reflective Writting
Cancelled Ideas and On-going Stuff

Since i didn't keep track of time, i'm going to post all the progress so far that i've done for my main project into 1 single post.


These are the sketches that come along with my group 1st idea which is about a Milk Soda :
- The character consist of 1 general and lots of minion

These are the list of other ideas and their Respective USP or possible storyboard that i've develop, although most of it still got cancelled, except the last part which is about 3D program course.

*Mobile-phone:  / Clear Music player
-a man got stranded on a land
-found a mobile phone, trying to call for help
-heard a growling sound
-suddenly Got chased by a baboon / Gorrila, predator
-Call for help,but press wrong button and play music instead
- the music makes the whole island animals dance with it because
of the clear sound and loud soung it produced
-Punch line and product
-Man and the island animals dance , silhoutte, sunset.

*Super strong Signal mobile phone or express mail :
-2 man running together (superhero suit)
- each other trying to overrun each other
-walking through forest, between country, on water, city
- the first man
- the first man reach the finish line, then meet a guy
- the man deliver the mail to that guy, while the other man back off
look sad

* Computer Course :
- 2 man got interview in a company
- 1 man big and the other one small
- the interviewer question lots of stuff related
- big man stay confident, small man look nervous
- last question interviewer ask what program u can use
- big man answer windows 8, small man answer C++, python and other
advance programming words (jump cut from big man eyes , and
small man eyes, intense)
- Interviewers said to the small guy "OK you're hired"
- screen goes to ads "Punch Line"
Your potential Our passion
Look Smart, Stay Smart
Where technology means business

* Musician : Music Property / Music course
- battlefield / medieval / forest maya
- a guy using drum to boost soldier morale
- win over enemy soldie
- enemy bring the big guy
- the protagonist change the drum to other type
- it give soldier more confidence in defeating the enemy big guy
- enemy guy lose, soldier march forward through enemy base,
- scene end up with a loud bang from the drum
- "punch Line"

*3D program course
- singapore ads man not satisfy with his job
- the 3D character is the girls
instead of not satisfy because of his job it change to
something like " after he take a computer 3D course he can
make his 3D dream girl character.


The lastest Idea that Chris Accepted Which is about a 3D Program Course which directed for otaku to create their dream girl.
At first the idea is to include this chibi 3D character design to represent the otaku that likes nendoroid, but because of time constraint my group decided to drop the chibi idea.

But i'm not satisfied with the girl design, so in the end i draw the last 2 design:

5 View Of The Final Character  Design

2 of the final design which in the end i choose the 2nd  because i want to break from the usual mainstream school girl design

Dynamic Pose And Face Blendshape Sketch

Logo Design for the Course  :

In Detail Sketch for the costume that i give to CJ :

Some of my Brainstorming Stuff for in depth detail :

* USP :
 3D Course (Dream Girlz Package Course , Specially design for otaku)

* Brand : 
 少女の夢 ( Shoujo No Yume )

* Punch Line : 
 - Your Dream, Our Success
 - It's All About Imagination
 - Your Partner For Life

* Persuasion Strategy :
  Testimonial From 3D Course Graduates

* Place Of shooting : 
 3 Places :
   - Computer Room At School
   - Singapore Botanic Garden
   - Garden By The Bay (Night)

Storyboard In Text :

+ Guys act like golumn (my Precious) then call the cameraman
 to approach him, Monitor off (1-3)

+Golumn Guy turn on the monitor,  3D girl Surprised, Start Waving

+ Golumn Guy Change the 3D girls While explaining his pervetic
  Mind (4-8)

+ Scene Go back to Golumn Guy showing the video, then change to
  Park Scene (8-10)

+ Golumn Guy walk into one of gazebo (Holding hand) (10-12)

+ Golum Guy Cake  Scene (the 3D girl feed the Guy) (12-15 Sec)

+ A couple of bad guy walking at the guy dating the 3D girls (15-17)

+They got into fight (17-20) * 2 scene BG showing the 3d character
  cheer up for the guy

+Scene Goes back to classroom show golum guy (20-21 sec)

+ actually it's all only a script the bad guy got payed for acting

+Golumn guy (Satisfied face) explaining why everyone especially
otaku should join the animation course, (BG still show the 3D girl
 waving to the viewr) (24-28 sec)

+Logo (28-30 Sec)

*1st unrevised  Script  :
1st Scene :
    Actor trying to advertise the characterhe model on
his computer ( actor act like a golumn ). 6sec

*Heh he he hello hi, my name is Jefri, today im going to show you
my dream girl

Stuttered speech with giggle( awkward posture )

2nd scene :
UI interface ( change boob size, hair, hair colour, costume )
6 Sec

* i Can change her appearance, and the costume too, he he he he

4th scene :
Bollywood scene ( Running) 6 sec

*However after I come to this course, my life change so much.

----------3rd Scene :
Taking photo together in the park with the girl (6 sec)

*I get a chance to go on date with her, walking in the park .

5th Scene :
Girl Feeding the Actor (6 Sec)
* and in the end, i got to enjoy private moment with my girl.

6th Scene :
End Scene, go back to computer room and actor ask the viewer to
join the course (5 sec)

*s s s so what are u waiting for, come join us in this course.

Logo Not Stuttered Manly voice
" Your Dream, Our Success. "

*Final Script for Self Dialogue :

1. hi, my name is Jefri, i'm a student, i want to you how wonderful is my
course,  .

2. i Can change her shape,

 and that part can make it big too, he he he he

3. I get a chance to go on date with her, walking in the park .

4. However after I come to this course, my life change so much.

5. and in the end, i got to enjoy private moment with my girl.

6. s s s so what are u waiting for, come join us in this course.

7. " Your Dream, Our Success. "

Storyboard 1st Version

Storyboard 2nd Version






An Intake before final scene compiled :

Several Shot that are taken but not used in the final composition :


Retopo and ReUV Procress  :

Set 2 but in the end Unused even though finish retopo and reUV :

Modeling Problem :

I Did Help with shaping the face more since the face that my partner did isn't up to standart  so i used some ref to fix the face :


Overall i'm using the exact same default rigging as my last semester GIGAWATT, the only different is the placement of the joint which is close to how the real human joint works,

The only noticeable stuff that i want to mention here is arm twist without using expression node which can be achieve by open  SDK link

Here is the normal expression node :

littlegirlDelivery:RgtArmTwistJNT.rotateX = (littlegirlDelivery:RgtWristCtrl.rotateX *0.5 * littlegirlDelivery:RgtArmIKFKCtrl.IKFK) + (littlegirlDelivery:RgtIKCtrl.rotateX *0.5 *(1- littlegirlDelivery:RgtArmIKFKCtrl.IKFK)) ;

Here's some of the example how i did it without the expression node

- I use 1 locator as a switch parent it under hand joint,
- this locator is going to be used as a switch for IK FK arm twist

The other stuff to mention is just a Muscle joint for the boobs and a substitute of Jiggle deformer to fake the clothing .

At first i use around a total 16 posedeformer  left and right since,but it's slow the animation process greatly.  So i took out and left with 3 , in the end i took it out completely

And i'm having some issue with the Posedeformer since i can't assign posedeformer to the same rotation,
example of case:
*add posedeformer when hit rotate x 45,  i try to add posedeformer again on rotate x 90
the new posedeformer overwrite the rotate x 45 even though the posedeformer of 45 still there.
* the problem happen because the amount of effect got reduce on x 45 to less than 10% it's original amount
* itry fixing this by breaking the effector connecting to multiplier node and reattaching it again but this method doesnt seems to work.
If i can fix it the amount of posedeformer should be around 30+- including arm rotation, thigh, leg, foot, and neck

And Some of the Ncloth Rigging Stuff Thats fail to be executed

*Some of the Ncloth failed tryout Proof :


1st version of eating Scene, in which roger said that the girl positioning should be closer to the guy.

Reference For Eating Scene :

For the running scene,  in which i got comment by roger to make the girl running more feminime since the leg open to wide, and add more inbetween since it's more blocky and smooth the turning behind.

*Some note From Roger :

- elbow closer ot body
- increase running speed
- closer knee, feminime running


-first 50 frame pacing to slow
- closer sitting position
- relax hand placement after feeding

 Reference For Running Scene:

 Animation for the end scene part that wasn't show clearly :


Below is test render for Ball and AE adjusted  And Prove of HDRI image that i unwrap :

Test Render for the character that i did :

Some of the raw footage that i take :

Reference  Video :  Start From 01.21 to 01.30

Animation Blocking WIP :